You probably understand that you should avoid fallen trees, power lines that are down, and storm debris; however, your pets and children may not. Staying safe after a storm takes more than just common sense. There are some uncommon situations to be aware of and I promise this won’t feel like a local news story that tells you to wear a coat in the winter.
These situations are as follows:
Leaking Gas Lines. The most important thing is to know what natural gas smells like! If you do suspect you have a leak, understand how to shut off the main gas line to your house. We have been shocked by the number of people that don’t know where the main shut off valve is located.
Standing Water is NOT Clean. This should be common knowledge by now! So why, after every storm, do we still see people splashing around in it like children in a fountain? Stop it!
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. If your utilities are down, never use portable fuel-burning equipment inside a home, garage, vehicle or tent unless it is specifically designed for use in an enclosed space. You should also keep portable generators outside. Around 100 people accidentally poison themselves in the U.S. each year by ignoring that last rule.
DIY Storm Clean Up. If you would like a good laugh, go to YouTube and search, “tree removal fails.” Most homeowner insurance policies cover debris removal, and we here at Best Choice Roofing provide free roof inspections. It’s unlikely you’ll save yourself money by doing it yourself anyway.
We are Storm Damage Experts, and we do free roof inspections. Give us a call any time, day or night, and we will have a Storm Damage Expert dispatched to your house A.S.A.P.