Storm Preparation Checklist: Protect Your Home with Best Choice Roofing

A little preparation can go a long way in keeping your home and your family safe before a storm. Taking proactive steps to defend your home not only prevents weather-related damage and reduces the chances of costly repairs, but it also provides you with peace of mind. With Best Choice Roofing’s Storm Preparation Checklist, you have a step-by-step guide that focuses on the main components when preparing your home to withstand a storm.

Why Preparation Matters Before a Storm

While technology is ever-improving, storms can be unpredictable and oftentimes, choose to take a different path than what is envisioned. Intense weather can bring high-speed winds, heavy rainfall, and even hail—all of which can be detrimental to your home’s exterior. By investing time and money into preventative measures, you can reduce the potential of costly repairs and mitigate the risk intense weather poses to your home.

Best Choice Roofing’s Storm Preparation Checklist

Our Storm Preparation Checklist includes essential steps to reinforce your home’s exterior and shield it against storm-related damage. Here is an overview of storm preparation tasks:

    1. Inspect and Secure Your Roof
      Take a look at your roof and see if you can spot any missing, loose, or damage shingles. These may seem like minor issues, but they can lead to extensive damage and leaks.
    2. Trim Nearby Trees and Branches
      Overhanging trees and branches can do catastrophic damage to your home. Ensure branches are trimmed at a safe distance away from your roof and windows to avoid impact damage.
    3. Secure Outdoor Items
      High winds and severe weather can cause unsecured objects to become airborne hazards. Safely store all patio furniture, plants, and yard decorations.
    4. Document Your Property
      Take photos of your entire property, including your home’s interior and exterior.
    5. Prepare Emergency Supplies
      Assemble an emergency kit with enough essentials like water, non-perishable foods, flashlights, medications, pet supplies, and first-aid supplies to last at least seven days.
    6. Stay Updated and Informed
      Staying informed is one of the most important things you can do. Keep track of storm updates from trusted news sources, watch for alerts from public service officials, and stay updated on evacuation routes and zones. It is always better to be over-prepared than underprepared.

    Be Storm-Ready with Best Choice Roofing

    With a proactive approach and a well-prepared home, you can weather the storm with confidence and peace of mind. Best Choice Roofing is here to support you, offering roof inspections and expert guidance on fortifying your home. Download our Storm Preparation Checklist and give yourself the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re ready for whatever unpredictable weather might come your way!

    Take action now to protect your home, and trust Best Choice Roofing to help you weather the storm safely! Click here to schedule your FREE pre-storm roof inspection or give us a call at (866)BESTCHOICE!

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